"...a treasure buried in a field"
We all look for good deals. We search for products with the best track records. We'll spend countless hours visiting different merchants, comparing prices all so that we may get the most for our money. We want our investments to yield good interest, our stocks to produce the highest return. But every now and then there comes a situation that is beyond any "bargain," worth every dollar, and worth any risk. So we should be able to understand the importance of today's Gospel parable.
The parable stories of the treasure in the field and the pearl merchant point to the fact that seeking the Kingdom of God and doing the will of the Father call for personal sacrifice and total commitment. One does not simply add this pearl to a collection or simply purchase one more parcel of land. Everything must be sold in order to buy. An absolute fresh start is to be made. The Gospel cuts into one's life and one must decide. Jesus brings compassion and healing but he also brings a call to responsibility that is not without its consequences. We are accountable for the gifts that God has given us.
Some basic questions we should be asking ourselves today in the light of the Gospel message:
How do we use the gift of life itself? Do we reverence it in all its forms? Do we protect the fragility of life in those who are weakest, most helpless, most defenseless? Do we protect this gift in ourselves by taking good care of our own health and avoiding the things we know can be harmful?
How do we use the gift of time? Do we try to make each of our days productive? Do we try to avoid wasting time on useless things? Do we try not to postpone or put off until tomorrow or next week or next month things that could and should be done today?
How do we use the gift of faith? Do we bury it, neglect it, and do little or nothing to increase it? Are we attentive to presence of the Spirit in every aspect of our lives? Are we attentive to that presence in the lives of others?
And finally, the important question focuses on how we are changed by what we believe. How will the thoughts, words, actions and decisions of our daily lives give evidence of a faith that is alive, vigorous, and fruitful.
These are difficult times for people the world over. All of us have been touched by suffering and death in ways we never could have imagined. We all share the horror and can feel the pain. We look for moments when the Light of Truth might shine through the current darkness and it becomes more and more difficult to proclaim the goodness of God and to be witnesses to this great gift of faith.
It is time for all of us to dig up the treasure that we may have buried so that we can bring a lighted candle into the common cloud of darkness that we all now seem to share. There has never been a time when we have needed to do this more.
Christians can sometimes speak too casually about "belonging to Christ" or of "following Jesus." But the parables of Jesus warn us that kinship with him should not be lightly presumed. A disciple of Jesus is one who has pondered his words and translated them into action.
Jesus' final question to his disciples is just as powerful today as it was then: "Do you understand all of these things?"